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Members Approve Contract Extension
More than 8,600 CSUEU members participated in the
vote, winning historic salary reform and a steps structure
for Support Staff. The vote count was: 7,869 YES,
743 NO
Contract wins:
+ Year 2023/2024: 5% General Salary Increase
+ Year 2024/2025: 5% GSI
+ Year 2025/2026: Full implementation of salary structure with
future Steps to be based on satisfactory evaluations.
In addition, management agreed to hire a
third-party to review and adderss the problem of
misclassification which affects thousands of members. More than
8,500 CSUEU represented employees are in classifications due to
be modernized.
We won by mobilizing as never before: A petition
to the Board of Trustees signed by nearly 5,000 workers and CSU
allies demanding pay equity; massive actions with labor coalition
partners at the Chancellor's Office for every Trustees' meeting;
loud-and-proud rallies right before every bargaining session at a
CSU campus; and more!
"WE DID IT!! After many long years of fighting
an institution that refused to budge, CSUEU members didn't give
up or give in. Instead, we pushed forward, together, and we
finally won a fairer compensation system that recognizes our work
and our value. The reformed salary structure will help with
future recruitment and retention of talented staff, which is key
to students' success. Sí se puede!"
- Catherine
Hutchinson, CSUEU President
CSUEU Members Can Show Solidarity for Faculty
Members of the California Faculty Association will
conduct a series of campus strikes starting Monday,
Dec. 4. Our union stands in solidarity with our faculty union
siblings in their fight for fair negotiations.
While our contract with the CSU has no no-strike
clause, as individual employees, CSUEU members are free to
honor a picket line without retaliation. Employees are free to
join CFA activities on unpaid or break time.
Read the Frequently Asked Questions to learn more
about some Do's and Don'ts when a sister union strikes.
Note: Employees should not accept assignments to
do any CFA work or tasks. If your manager tries to change
your assignment, advise your Labor Representative or Steward and
they will demand that the CSU cease and desist.
Student Assistants are not covered by a contract, and therefore
do not work under a no-strike clause. If you have questions,
contact your Labor Representative or Chapter President.
Opportunities for Members to Help Shape
CSUEU's Future
CSUEU is currently seeking applications to serve
on three critical committees:
1. CSUEU BOLD Committee – This committee
will discuss moving from a sole Board governing to a more
member-led model through the lens of racial and social justice.
The committee will also create surveys and collect and analyze
data, develop a mission and vision statement that incorporates
racial and social justice, and develop training that could be
used for future leaders. Apply here:
2. CSUEU Policy File Committee – This committee
will work with our Legal Team and Parliamentarian to modify,
edit, and change our governing documents to align with the
California Corporate Code, CSEA, and SEIU International governing
documents. Apply here:
3. CSUEU Code of Conduct Committee – CSUEU is
committed to providing a union culture and environment free from
bullying and harassment. This committee will establish a code of
conduct policy for all members (including the Board of
Directors), employees, invited guests, and contractors. Apply