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Bargaining Update on March 1
Attend a town hall via
Zoom to learn more about what we can do to win Steps in
As shared earlier
this week, our first bargaining session with the CSU, as part of
our contract re-opener, was promising. The CSU agrees with the
concept that fair pay for 20,000 Support Staff requires creating
a merit step salary structure for employees.
Our Bargaining Team
will provide information about other issues under
negotiations at two town halls scheduled for Wednesday, March 1,
via Zoom. The times and registration links are below.
When: Mar 1,
2023 11:00 AM
Register in advance for this webinar
When: Mar 1, 2023
12:00 PM
Register in advance for this webinar
Now the hard work
begins and the path forward will take every member
coming together in strategic actions. One example is growing
our Labor Coalition, campus by campus. Check out the "Union Pride Unity Break" that CSUEU members
at Sacramento held last week, joining forces with members
of California Faculty Association, Teamsters
2010, Union of American Physicians and Dentists,
and Academic Professionals of California.
Good contracts are
not won at the bargaining table, it takes collective worker
action. Remember: Every single member can make a difference.
If you work alongside someone who is not yet a member, have a
talk and sign them up!
"This is truly
exciting. We are coming together as unions that are supporting
each other. We’re going to have these events [unity actions]
at our campuses together, to show we are supportive of each
"The CSU is
not going to pit us against each other. We’re going to have each
other’s backs."
-- Catherine
Hutchinson, CSUEU President
Bargaining Survey Draws 4,300 Responses
Thousands of
members stepped up and provided meaningful input for the
bargaining survey this year. Based on members' feedback and
priorities, the Bargaining Team will have clearer direction to
negotiate over wages and benefits in the coming months with the
Highlights from the
survey will be shared at next week's two town halls (see eNews
item above) and posted across CSUEU communication platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
The survey was
comprehensive by design. We now have a better economic,
educational, and racial profile of our membership. The data
collected will help guide the union's advocacy work. One
survey finding: 52% of respondents say they attended or
graduated from the CSU. Of that group of 2,210, 51% report having
worked as a Student Assistant during their CSU years. And
a full two-thirds of respondents have a bachelor's or
master's degree.

Like no other state
institution, the CSU presents a huge opportunity for working
class families seeking a path for educational and economic
advancement. We can win a strong contract this year while helping
Student Assistants form a union!
During last year’s
bargaining campaign, students came out of the woodwork to tell us
their concerns about low pay, lack of benefits, few hours and
poor working conditions.
What can you do?
Share a union authorization card with a Student
Assistant to sign, the first step to qualify for an
Check your email
next week for a message from CSUEU with a custom link for you
to forward to a Student Assistant.
We stand with
Student Workers Union!
CSUEU President Statement on Qualifications Needed
in Next Chancellor
The CSU Chancellor
needs to create a shared vision of how the University will
move in a climate of shifting demographics and revolutionary
technology. As the largest public university system in the
country, it has a storied reputation but an unclear path forward.
Our Union believes
in - and works to promote – the vision that the CSU should serve
our communities by providing educational opportunities to the
working class and “First Gen” college students.
The workforce that
powers the institution comes directly from the communities that
house the campuses. With proper investment, campuses and
communities rise together and uplift each other. >> Read full statement from President
Catherine Hutchinson

The Disability
Constituency Group, in collaboration with the California Faculty
Association, is holding a Zoom event, "Disabled People in
Higher Education: Coalition Building on Campus."
Activists Allilsa
Fernandez and Shoshana Herskowitz will share how they united
staff, faculty, and students with disabilities at Stony Brook
University. With moderator Katie Murphy, Academic Office Coordinator of San Francisco State
University, they'll explore how disability and accessibility
impact our shared working, teaching, and learning conditions. How
can we work together to break down barriers? How do we already
create access for one another through our labor?
The event will be
held on March 1, 12 - 1 p.m. Register here. The event is open to all CSU workers and
students, so please encourage your colleagues and students to
attend. It will be recorded and shared for those unable to participate.