Salary Study Focus Groups Indicate Strong
Dissatisfaction with CSU Compensation System
As part of a
comprehensive salary study underway at the CSU, more than 5,000
employees participated in focus groups, held online in December,
responding to questions related to compensation and equity.
The consultant
Mercer shared participants’ feedback this month, and the message
from Support Staff could not have been clearer: The current
salary structure is not fair, and the system does not have an
appropriate or consistent process for advancing employees’
Two years of the pandemic have clearly shown that we, the
frontline employees, are essential to the University’s mission of
providing educational opportunities to students and ensuring
their success.
Great job to those
who participated in the hour-long focus groups! Some highlights:
• 76% disagreed or strongly disagreed that they
were paid fairly.
• 78% disagreed or strongly disagreed that pay
and promotions are consistent.
• 96% disagreed or strongly disagreed that The
CSU has an appropriate process for advancing employees’ pay. View
the infographic.
>> Full article
Attn: Workers in Public Service with Federal
Student Loans
The Department of
Education recently announced an overhaul of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness
program designed to help millions of public service workers
struggling under the weight of student loan debt. One significant
change: A new, temporary waiver period allows public employees to
retroactively receive credit for past years of service. There is
a time limit on this waiver; it ends on Oct. 31, 2022.
Borrowers who were
previously ineligible because they had the wrong loan, were
making payments on the wrong payment plan, or were knocked off
track due to processing errors can now receive credit toward
forgiveness for those years worked in public service.
On Wednesday,
Feb. 2 at 9 a.m., those interested can join a webinar highlighting updates to the PSLF program,
guidance on how to navigate the new process, and an opportunity
to ask questions about accessing debt relief. Read the fact sheet for more information.
Good Jobs Town Halls Draw Enthusiastic Turnout
More than 1,000
CSUEU-represented employees turned out for a series of webinars
this past week, billed as "Good Jobs 2022 Town Halls." CSUEU's
top executive officers, President Catherine Hutchinson; Jessica
Westbay, Vice President for Representation; and Jennifer Moran,
Vice President for Organizing, tag-teamed hosting the four town
halls, sharing with members what they can expect to see in the
coming months as contract negotiations kick off in February.
Workers' energy and enthusiasm are clear: We are ready to build a
better CSU for all.
“We know we are off to a great start to a
contract campaign when there’s a line waiting to join our Good
Jobs Town Halls to learn about the bargaining process. Thanks to
the more than 1,000 participants who engaged through four
webinars held this past week. We call on every CSUEU-represented
employee to join the Union and let’s go win Good Jobs for Our Future!"
- Catherine Hutchinson, CSUEU President
CSUEU Death Benefit Program for Members
This is a sensitive
subject but here's a gentle reminder: CSUEU members'
families are entitled to a death benefit if the member passes away while they are a
current member and still employed at the CSU.
The amount the
member's family receives is based on the years of membership.
- 0-1 year, benefit
- 1-2 years,
benefit $2,000
- 2 years or more,
benefit $3000
Union strength
comes from solidarity; we stand with one another in good and bad
times. Read more information about the benefit.
CSUEU Leaders Urge Board of Trustees to Support
Frontline Staff and Students
CSUEU Bargaining
Team leaders addressed the CSU Board of Trustees this
week to advocate for additional COVID-19 paid leave; salary
reform; and a Good Jobs contract that invests in staff and
students. View highlights of their speeches and view the video recording from Jan. 25,

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Street, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814