Fight the Parking Fee Increase
January 16,
2014 in Campus News
Attention Units 2, 5, 7, and 9:
Are you aware that SDSU is the only CSU campus pushing for a parking fee increase? Are you willing to pay more when there hasn't been any significant salary increase? The time to act is now, but we need your help by signing the petition below, signing the petition on-line through survey monkey, or signing the petition when we visit your offices. Below are some frequently asked questions that will help clarify what is going on and our union position.
What is happening with my parking fees?
SDSU is proposing to increase monthly staff rates by $3 per month effective March 2014 (coincidentally when we are to receive our 1.34% increase).
Are they allowed to do this? Don’t we have a contract?
Yes, the contract prohibited any increases until employees received a General Salary Increase (GSI). Only then can they increase parking rates and only by a maximum of $3.
So does the Union agree to this increase?
We do not! We oppose a parking increase to the maximum when the wage increase is at a minimum.
Can you stop it?
Only with your support. The contract allows the increase but the President controls the decision. SDSU is the only CSU campus raising parking fees on staff.
How will employee support make a difference?
President Hirshman listens to employees. He was told that this “little” increase wouldn’t matter to employees. If enough employees make their opposition known he can stop it. CSUEU union representatives will deliver petitions directly to the President at the January 28-29 CSU Board of Trustees meeting.
Is the increase justified?
Your Union asked this exact same question. We want to know why the decision was made, who made it, and how the money will be used. We are losing parking spaces, why are we paying more for the ones that are left? To answers yet! A formal grievance was filed by your union on January 14, 2014.
How can I help?
▪ Sign CSUEU's petition against the parking increase.
⁃ Print the petition (see below), sign, and send via interoffice mail to Robert Yslas at MC 7455.
⁃ Sign the on-line petition at
⁃ Sign the petition when we visit your office.
▪ Write a letter to the President.
▪ Put a “No Parking Increase” flier (Hands off color background) (Hands off no color background) (No Parking Fee Friday NO) (No Parking Fee Friday STOP) on your dashboard.
Submit your signed or online petitions no later than January 23rd.
Let President Hirshman know that now is not the time to increase parking fees! Spread the word and please sign our petitions to stop this action. Please visit our chapter 318 web site often and our chapter Facebook group page for up to date information. Thank you!
SDSU has noticed CSU Employees Union (CSUEU) of their intent to increase our represented employees’ parking fees by $3, beginning in March. They assert that they have the authority under the current contract to make that change. CSUEU representatives have submitted a request for information and to meet on the subject, both of which are unanswered at this time.
We the undersigned, demand that President Hirshman (or his designee) immediately halt any attempts to increase parking fees for employees in bargaining units 2, 5, 7 or 9. Management may have the right to raise parking fees, but it doesn’t make it right to actually do it. Every other campus in the CSU has exercised restraint in imposing higher parking fees on our members. At SDSU, most of our represented employees who drive to work, will see up to 7.5% of their 1.34% raise (our first raise in seven years!) go towards just being able to park their car at work. This increase is ill timed and callous. No parking fee increases on CSU staff until we get a meaningful raise and movement through our salary ranges.
____ I OPPOSE the parking rate increase
____ I SUPPORT the parking rate increase
First Name___________________________
Last Name___________________________
Date: _______________________________