Make Our Numbers Count
September 25,
2015 in Campus News
Over the next thirty days, your Union, the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) will be recruiting all bargaining unit employees into the Union. We want fee-payers to enjoy the privileges and benefits of membership but more importantly, we want our Union to benefit from the strength and voice of a united campus.
Since we gained a majority of members, we have fought off layoffs and won pay raises. We have protected and enhanced benefits. We have extended contract rights to protect all employees, turning temporaries to permanent and giving rights of appeal to probationaries. We have done so much together but we can do even more if we are joined together.
Here at San Diego State University, we are engaged in reform of the compensation system. The past two years, we have augmented the General Salary Increases (GSI) with local In-Range Progression (IRP). Three years ago, IRP was rare; two years ago, it was increased but distributed unequally; last year, we established rules for longevity.
Our goal is a pay system that guarantees your progression from entry level to the maximum level of your pay scale. We are fighting for that goal through negotiations with management – at the system level in contract bargaining, at the campus level in meetings with the President and campus wide labor-management committees. Management takes us as seriously as the members we represent.
We don’t want a 50% effort, we want a 100% effort. We don’t want pay to stop at the middle of the pay range, we want it all the way to the top. We need you to make that happen!
It is literally pennies a month to join our Union. Yes, you can join by taking the change from your car and applying it to building staff strength at the bargaining table. Please take time to look at our website ( and take a moment to hit the Power in Numbers box on the right hand side. You will find links to the union contract, contact information for officers and staff, and news about employee activism in the CSU.
October 19-23 is our membership blitz – don’t wait until then to join! If you care about staff strength today, then join today. If you need more convincing, then look at your paycheck at the end of the month and think about whether more money would look good there. Together we can make a difference.
Your Chapter Leadership Team